"Captain Barley, a nautically themed Brazilian beer, contracted Rai to put together a unique label for its special edition beers that would be as bright and bold as the flavors. Not sparing a single shape, color, or detail, the illustrations set out to align with the respective flavors’ names. A blonde ale is represented by what looks like an abstract depiction of blonde hair, while the amber ale is portrayed by a boat during golden hour, or sunset.  No matter the flavor, each can has a loud personality that sets the brand apart from competing ales and lagers". Dieline

Project: Packaging and posters for Cap.Barley's special edition brews.
Role: Head of Art/Graphic Designer
With: Leandro Chisté

Summer Sale AW/21

Summer Collection.
Last Units. Better Run.
An experiment using classic graphic design tools and artificial inteligence. All based on a summer sale campaign.

Project: Visual Identity
Role: Creative Director/Graphic Designer


A product in line with the growing trend of healthy snacks for conscious consumers who want a better, simpler and more fun life.

Smolbol goes against ultra-processed, complex, and full of ingredients. Smolbol Peanut + Cassava is a peanut covered in a layer of cassava, fried with only 5 natural ingredients in its formula.

The world is so complicated, with so many edges. It even looks like it's square! Round ideas always bounce out of the box.

With this insight, we seek nature's simplest way to sensorially synthesize the brand's meaning. the sphere. The entire line of Smolbol snacks has as a rule the simplicity of this geometry.

We positioned the brand in the territory of innovation, supported by the perspective that every great idea is based on an almost naive simplicity. We adopted a non-traditional activation strategy: being a product category linked to specific consumption occasions, such as happy hours or afternoon snacks, we activate the brand in the creativity market, especially in the startup innovation market, in a light, provocative way and full of humour.

Project: Graphic Design/Branding
Role: Creative Lead/Art director/Graphic designer
With: Thiago Thome, Maria Julia Brito, Thais Navarro, Julia Navarro, Leo Massarelli, Barão di Sarno
Agency: Questtonó Manyone


Kaluama rescues an ancestral heritage by producing spicy, tasty, colorful and aromatic gourmet pepper sauces. For this, we created packaging that brings all the values of the brand in a cheerful and uncluttered way.

"Kaluama Sauce's packaging is bold and colorful, inspired by the very peppers found in the sauce's ingredients. The simple design paired with the vibrant colors is a match made in heaven. It's impressive to note that you can almost taste the flavor of each sauce just by looking at the packaging's color choices. Doesn't the combination of black, red, and yellow just scream, habanero and jalapeño? As a sauce lover, I imagine my pantry lined with these gorgeous boxes, and I can't get over the image of it." Dieline

Project: Packaging/Poster/Branding
Role: Art director/Graphic designer
With: Ricardo Tedesco (Founder/CEO)


With 100% Brazilian ingredients, BR ALE© brings lightness, freshness and tropicality.

Das lebensfrohe Branding besteht aus geometrischen Mustern in knalligen Farben, die von Elementen aus der brasilianischen Flora und Fauna inspiriert sind. Passos vereint streng geometrische Gestaltung mit knalligen Farben und kleinen Anspielungen auf brasilianische Kultur. So bekommend die Bierdosen einen individuellen Look, der im sich im Kühlregal bestimmt gut macht. Cap.Barley hat Passos bunten Stil bereits für das Design einiger Sondereditionen und Special Brews genutzt."

> See full publication on PAGE.DE

Project: Logo/Typography/Packaging/Poster/Illustration
Role: Art director/Graphic designer
With: Leandro Chisté, Thiago Moreno (motion)

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